Famous People Born on December 14, 1973

Discover 8 birthdays of famous people born on December 14, 1973 including their birthplace, age, zodiac sign, biography, family and other interesting facts about people born in December 14, 1973.

Roger Mooking Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Roger Mooking, 51

December 14, 1973
Saulius Stombergas Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Saulius Stombergas, 51

December 14, 1973
John Cardiel Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

John Cardiel, 51

December 14, 1973
José Luis Castillo Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

José Luis Castillo, 51

December 14, 1973
Kami Tadayon Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Kami Tadayon, 51

December 14, 1973
Thuy Trang Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Thuy Trang, 51

December 14, 1973
Tom S Englund Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Tom S Englund, 51

December 14, 1973
Pat Burke Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Pat Burke, 51

December 14, 1973

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