Famous People Born on February 1, 1979

Discover 10 birthdays of famous people born on February 1, 1979 including Rachelle Lefevre, Alexandra Abrantes, Mahek Chahal, Jason Isbell, Mariana Vaz, Juan Silveira dos Santos, Julie Roberts, Carrie Schroeder and many more.

Rachelle Lefevre Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Rachelle Lefevre, 45

February 01, 1979
Alexandra Abrantes Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Alexandra Abrantes, 45

February 01, 1979
Mahek Chahal Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Mahek Chahal, 45

February 01, 1979
Jason Isbell Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Jason Isbell, 45

February 01, 1979
Mariana Vaz Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Mariana Vaz, 45

February 01, 1979
Julie Roberts Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Julie Roberts, 45

February 01, 1979
Carrie Schroeder Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Carrie Schroeder, 45

February 01, 1979
Cesare Catania Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Cesare Catania, 45

February 01, 1979
Valentín Elizalde Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Valentín Elizalde, 45

February 01, 1979

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