Jane Wyman Age, Birthday, Bio, Zodiac, Family & Fun Facts

Updated at May 8, 2024 by BirthdayDBs Team

Jane Wyman Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Jane Wyman Facts

Full NameJane Wyman
BirthdateJanuary 05, 1917
Birth PlaceSaint Joseph, MO
Age (in 2024)107 Years Old
OccupationMovie Actress

Jane Wyman Age & Birthday

Jane Wyman is best known as Movie Actress who has born on January 05, 1917 in Saint Joseph, MO. Currently, Jane Wyman is 107 years, 4 months and 3 days old. Jane Wyman will celebrate 108th birthday on Sunday, 5th of January 2025. Below the countdown to Jane Wyman upcoming birthday.

🥳 Countdown to Jane Wyman's birthday 🎂

-- days-- hours-- minutes-- seconds

Jane Wyman Biography


Movie actress who many came to know as the first wife of Ronald Reagan. Her credits include Falcon Crest and Johnny Belinda.

Before Fame

While working as a struggling actress, she was also employed as a manicurist and a switchboard operator.


Her role in Johnny Belinda won her an Academy Award, but she didn't have real success again until the 1980s, when she had a lead role in TV series Falcon Crest.

Family Life

She married Ronald Reagan in January of 1940, and they welcomed their first child in 1941.

Associated With

In 1950, she starred in the British crime film Stage Fright, which was directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Top Asked Questions about Jane Wyman

How old is Jane Wyman in 2024?

Jane Wyman is 107 years old today.

When was Jane Wyman born?

Jane Wyman was born on January 05, 1917 in Saint Joseph, MO.

What is Jane Wyman zodiac sign?

Jane Wyman zodiac sign is Capricorn.

What was Jane Wyman best known for?

Jane Wyman was best known as Movie Actress.

Fun Facts about Jane Wyman's Birthday

Here's quick list of some fun facts about Jane Wyman's birthday you must know including detailed age calculation, western astrology, roman numeral, birthstone and birth flower.

  • Jane Wyman was born on Friday, 5th day / 01st week of 1917
  • Jane Wyman has Capricorn zodiac sign and Earth element based on western astrology
  • Roman numeral of Jane Wyman birthday is V.I.MCMXVII
  • Jane Wyman's birthstone is Garnet
  • Jane Wyman's birth flower is Carnation that symbolize fascination, distinction & love
  • Jane Wyman age in year is 107 years old
  • Jane Wyman age in month is 1288 months old
  • Jane Wyman age in day is 39205 days old
  • Jane Wyman age in hour is 940920 hours old
  • Jane Wyman age in minute is 56455200 minutes old
  • Jane Wyman age in second is 3387312000 seconds old
  • Next Jane Wyman birthday is on Sunday, January 5th 2025
  • Jane Wyman age in next birthday (2025) is 108 years old

Historical Events on Jane Wyman Birthday (January 05)

Below are historical events that coincided with Jane Wyman's birthday including important historical events as well as births and deaths of historical figures.

1957In a speech given to the United States Congress, United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower announces the establishment of what will later be called the Eisenhower Doctrine.
1967Cultural Revolution: The Shanghai People's Commune is established following the seizure of power from local city officials by revolutionaries.
1968Alexander Dubček comes to power in Czechoslovakia, effectively beginning the "Prague Spring".
1969The Venera 5 space probe is launched at 06:28:08 UTC from Baikonur.
1969Ariana Afghan Airlines Flight 701 crashes in Fernhill, West Sussex, while on approach to Gatwick Airport, killing 50 people.
1970The 7.1 Mw  Tonghai earthquake shakes Tonghai County, Yunnan province, China, with a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme). Between 10,000 and 15,000 people are known to have been killed and about another 26,000 are injured.
1972US President Richard Nixon announces the Space Shuttle program.
1975The Tasman Bridge in Tasmania, Australia, is struck by the bulk ore carrier Lake Illawarra, killing twelve people.
1976The Khmer Rouge announce that the new Constitution of Democratic Kampuchea is ratified.
1976The Troubles: Gunmen shoot dead ten Protestant civilians after stopping their minibus at Kingsmill in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, UK, allegedly as retaliation for a string of attacks on Catholic civilians in the area by Loyalists, particularly the killing of six Catholics the night before.
1991Georgian forces enter Tskhinvali, the capital of South Ossetia, Georgia, opening the 1991-92 South Ossetia War.
1991Somali Civil War: The United States Embassy to Somalia in Mogadishu is evacuated by helicopter airlift days after the outbreak of violence in Mogadishu.
1993The oil tanker MV Braer runs aground on the coast of the Shetland Islands, spilling 84,700 tons of crude oil.
2005The dwarf planet Eris is discovered by Palomar Observatory-based astronomers, later motivating the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to define the term planet for the first time.
2014A launch of the communication satellite GSAT-14 aboard the GSLV MK.II D5 marks the first successful flight of an Indian cryogenic engine.
1986The birth of Deepika Padukone, Indian actress
1987The birth of Dexter Bean, American race car driver
1987The birth of Kristin Cavallari, American TV personality
1987The birth of Stuart Flanagan, Australian rugby league player
1988The birth of Azizulhasni Awang, Malaysian track cyclist
1988The birth of Luke Daniels, English footballer
1988The birth of Mandip Gill, English actress
1989The birth of Krisztián Németh, Hungarian footballer
1990The birth of Mark Nicholls, Australian rugby league player
1991The birth of Denis Alibec, Romanian footballer
1993The birth of Stefan Rzadzinski, Canadian race car driver
1994The birth of Lachlan Fitzgibbon, Australian rugby league player
1994The birth of Tyrone Phillips, Australian rugby league player
1995The birth of Toafofoa Sipley, New Zealand rugby league player
1996The birth of James Fisher-Harris, New Zealand rugby league player
2014The death of Eusébio, Mozambican-Portuguese footballer and manager (b. 1942)
2014The death of Carmen Zapata, American actress (b. 1927)
2015The death of Jean-Pierre Beltoise, French racing driver and motorcycle racer (b. 1937)
2015The death of Bernard Joseph McLaughlin, American bishop (b. 1912)
2016The death of Pierre Boulez, French pianist, composer, and conductor (b. 1925)
2017The death of Jill Saward, English rape victim and activist (b. 1965)
2018The death of Asghar Khan, Pakistani three star general and politician (b. 1921)
2018The death of Thomas Bopp, American astronomer best known as the co-discoverer of comet Hale-Bopp (b. 1949)
2018The death of Karin von Aroldingen, German ballerina (b. 1941)
2019The death of Bernice Sandler, American women's rights activist (b. 1928)
2019The death of Dragoslav Šekularac, Serbian footballer and manager (b. 1937)
2020The death of Tafazzul Haque Habiganji, Bangladeshi Islamic scholar and politician (b. 1938)
2021The death of Colin Bell, English footballer (b. 1946)
2021The death of John Georgiadis, English violinist and composer (b. 1939)
2022The death of Kim Mi-soo, South Korean actress and model (b. 1992)

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