Famous People Born in 1800

Discover 14 birthdays of famous people born in 1800 including Abby May, James Clark Ross, Anton Martin Slomšek, Jean-Baptiste Fresez, Mary Easton Sibley, John Brown, John Goss, Benjamin Wade and many more.

Abby May Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Abby May, 223

October 08, 1800
James Clark Ross Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

James Clark Ross, 224

April 15, 1800
Mary Easton Sibley Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Mary Easton Sibley, 224

January 24, 1800
John Brown Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

John Brown, 224

May 09, 1800
John Goss Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

John Goss, 223

December 27, 1800
Benjamin Wade Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Benjamin Wade, 223

October 27, 1800
John H Winder Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

John H Winder, 224

February 21, 1800
Millard Fillmore Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Millard Fillmore, 224

January 07, 1800
Nat Turner Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Nat Turner, 223

October 02, 1800
Catharine Beecher Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Catharine Beecher, 224

September 06, 1800
Charles Goodyear Age, Birthday, Birthplace, Bio, Zodiac &  Family

Charles Goodyear, 223

December 29, 1800

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